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Curiously Conversational AI is here.

We Do

We are trusted by some of the largest enterprises to build software that is AI-grounded, secure and scalable.


Conversational AI

We develop conversational AI products and widgets that allow customers to leverage LLMs (large language models), SLMs (small language models), and DLMs (domain language models) to increase customer engagement on commerce websites.

Our solutions are unique—they combine voice and add-to-cart features within our agentic models, reducing friction in the path to purchase.


AI Based Custom Development

We develop custom applications with a human/employee, supplier, or customer focus. We use a range of development techniques to support the engineering of code with robust quality assurance to ensure fitness to purpose. Our development combines AI techniques and tools and smart infrastructure for efficient deployments.


AI Grounded Product Development

Everyone wants to use AI to build more response and customer oriented code these days. That's what we specialize in - we use a range of AI tools and developments kits and methodologies to create products that are secure and of industrial strength.


Commerce Analytics/Data Science

Data Science underpins the success of all brands as enterprise signals come from the data residing in one's book of record and from the largest trove of human history, the internet. With Data Science, machine learning and AI tools, we help our clients convert signals to insights.

We Are

We are an AI-first company that is founded in data science and technology, combined with very specific end market domain knowledge. We we create systems they are crafted to perform securely at scale. We work across the globe and offer a resolute commitment to the objectives of our customers.

There have been many market disruptors (technology and process) which have created opportunities that have fueled large scale economies. The internet offshoring and near shoring and digital transformations are some examples. The current market disruptor in, undeniably, data science and AI.

Enterprises now have access to extra-enterprise data of a size and nature that is unprecedented. When combined with the vast amounts of information that comes from intra-enterprise sources like a company's books of record, one is presented with the challenge of making sense of all this information that comes in multiple formats. Converting signals (positive, false positive, negative and neutral) to insights is the holy grail and that is the aspiration we have - to create AI and Data Science grounded solutions with you, so that we grow together.

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Have questions about our services? Write to us and we shall get back to you in a jiffy.

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